The City of Hawthorne initiated its non-profit grant program with awards to its first group of recipients: the Historical Society, Hawthorne Parks and Rec Foundation, Hawthorne School District, South Bay Universal Child Development Center, Sociedad Jose Marti, Islamic Center of Hawthorne, Centinela Baptist Church, New Star Family Justice Center and the District 37 Little League. The City has determined that the recipients of these grants are organizations that provide critical resources and services to Hawthorne community members in need. Each organization will receive a grant of $5,000, except for the Hawthorne School District, which will receive $10,000.
Several community partners, including entrepreneur Jason llloulian and Standard Communities Co- Founders Jeffrey Jaeger and Scott Alter provided $150,000 in grant funding to the City with several criteria to determine eligibility. For example, the non-profits must be located within the City of Hawthorne and have a current business license. Additional requirements include a focus on youth, families, senior citizens, veterans, health care, mental health, substance abuse and recovery, homeless services, social services, equity or legal support.
“Our local non-profits help Hawthorne thrive,” said City Manager Vontray Norris. “We’re grateful for the
opportunity to bolster the missions of organizations that better our City and I hope that we’re able to
continue this program well into the future.”
For more information about the non-profit grant program, visit the City’s website at