In 2018, the City of Indian Wells received a $50,000 grant for the construction of Electric Vehicle Charging Stations at City-owned municipal facilities from the Mobile Source Air Pollution Reduction Review Committee (MSRC). Indian Wells is now utilizing this funding to add five Electric Vehicle Charging Stations at the Municipal Golf Course.
The MSRC was established under state law Assembly Bill 2766 with the sole mission to fund projects that reduce air pollution from motor vehicles within the South Coast Air District in Southern California. Indian Wells is among many cities in the South Coast Air District that have received MSRC grant funds. This geographic region includes all of Orange County and portions of Los Angeles, Riverside and San Bernardino counties.
“We’re excited we added publicly accessible electric vehicle charging to the list of amenities provided by the Resort,” said Indian Wells Golf Resort General Manager Sven Wiedenhaupt. “We expect these charging stations to make a big difference in our visitors’ experience and our sustainability efforts.”
These charging stations are not only a valuable resource for residents, but also contribute to the goals of the Indian Wells Climate Action Plan by making the use of electric vehicles more feasible in the City. EV charging stations can be found on ChargePoint and PlugShare mobile apps.
For more information, contact City Hall at (760) 346-2489.