The City of Moorpark is pleased to announce the result of three years of community-driven planning for the City’s future: adoption of General Plan 2050 and certification of the Plan’s Final Program Environmental Impact Report (PEIR) by the City Council on May 3, 2023. This represents the City’s first comprehensive update of the General Plan since 1992. Using Year 2050 as a benchmark, the Plan defines the community’s vision for the city for the next three decades and provides goals, objectives, policies, and specific implementation measures that will guide its physical development consistent with the vision.
Moorpark Mayor Chris Enegren stated: “I’d like to thank the General Plan Advisory Committee as well as the public for all of the input and hard work that went into crafting our newly updated General Plan. This plan will serve the Moorpark community for the next thirty years and will steer our City’s development in a direction that enhances our economy and our high quality of life.”
The slogan of General Plan 2050 is “Made by Moorpark”, which is a reflection of the leadership role that the public played in the creation of the Plan. General Plan 2050 was prepared over a three-year period and was shaped by an extensive outreach process that engaged community members and decision-makers at every stage of the planning process. Over the course of 18 meetings, development of the Plan was guided by the input of a volunteer General Plan Advisory Committee (GPAC) comprised of 18 community stakeholders from diverse backgrounds. In addition, the entire community was involved by participating in 5 citywide workshops, responding to 4 on-line surveys, and engaging in 6 community events and pop-up activities.
General Plan 2050 can be considered the city’s development constitution, containing both a statement of the community’s vision of its long-term development as well as the policies to support that vision by guiding the physical growth of the city. The 2050 General Plan is presented in 10 chapters addressing topics required to be addressed by State law—land use, housing, circulation, conservation, open space, safety, and noise—as well as additional topics of local importance to the community—economic development, parks and recreation, infrastructure and services, environmental justice, climate change, and health. As Housing Elements are required by State law to be updated more frequently than the General Plan, Moorpark’s Housing Element was approved by the City Council on February 15 and is published under a separate cover to facilitate revisions compliant with State housing law.
Moorpark General Plan 2050 is the outcome of a collaborative process between the Moorpark community, the city of Moorpark, and community stakeholders, with support from a consultant team led by PlaceWorks and assistance from Iteris, Fuscoe Engineering, and ECORP Consulting.
“Our next step in realizing the community’s vision outlined in the General Plan is to update our zoning code, and then the real work begins in reviewing development applications that are expected to come in due to so much interest from businesses and developers wanting to start a business and build housing in one of the most desirable places to live and work in Southern California,” said City Manager Troy Brown.