Following the Legislature’s vote today to pass the FY 2023-24 State Budget bill, League of California Cities Executive Director and CEO Carolyn Coleman issued the below statement:
“Cal Cities is pleased that lawmakers listened to the concerns of city officials and recognized the critical role that cities play in addressing homelessness and boosting housing in their communities. The additional $1 billion in funding for the Homeless Housing, Assistance and Prevention grant program is a step in the right direction in supporting cities’ efforts to prevent and reduce homelessness.
However, we are incredibly disappointed that there is zero ongoing funding for housing and homelessness in the state budget bill. Instead of prioritizing long-term solutions that prevent homelessness and support affordable housing over one-time fixes, the Legislature has failed to provide the ongoing investments cities need to effectively address these twin crises. City efforts to help those experiencing homelessness and keep roofs over the heads of Californians cannot keep pace with the ongoing and growing need for housing and services.
We are living in a time where greater state investments to address these crises are not an option — they’re a mandate. Local governments, homeless service providers, housing advocates, and business leaders alike agree that ongoing funding is a key part of the solution to ensuring an end to this state’s homelessness crisis. We call on the Legislature and Governor to find a permanent home in the budget for housing and homelessness so that all Californians have a roof over their head and access to the services they deserve.”
Established in 1898, the League of California Cities is a nonprofit statewide association that advocates for cities with the state and federal governments and provides education and training services to elected and appointed city officials.