Los Altos Hills logoAdopted by the Association of Bay Area Governments and Metropolitan Transportation Commission (ABAG/MTC) in 2021, Plan Bay Area 2050 is the San Francisco Bay Area’s Regional Plan to date that combines improvements to the region’s transportation network with bold housing strategies. The upcoming update, Plan Bay Area 2050+, will include the Priority Sites Pilot Program to provide technical assistance and funding for sites nominated by local governments and affordable housing developers. 

Working with ABAG, Los Altos Hills staff nominated Foothill College and St. Nicolas Sites identified in the Town’s Housing Element. Foothill College Site was recommended for approval by MTC and ABAG Boards this month. Following approval, the site will be eligible for Priority Sites program pre-development funding of 28 million, pending final approval by HCD. ABAG/MTC will prioritize future planning grants for selected sites and provide tailored technical assistance.