At the January 21 City Council Meeting, the Mayor and Council Members approved a motion (4-1-0) requesting City Manager Bret Prebula evaluate expansion options for Suisun City. This item came before Council as part of an ongoing series of requests by the City Council to create an economically sustainable City operation that can deliver the service needs of the residents.
“Suisun has a rich history and a fantastic community that I have the honor of representing as Mayor. Over the past decade, the city has faced significant budget challenges, which we have sought to proactively address through the adoption of a new sales tax, stabilizing our city staffing and pursuing a stronger economic development agenda,” said Mayor Alma Hernandez. “Tonight, the City Council provided direction to the city manager to explore growing our city borders as another way to build a brighter future for our community.”
City Manager Prebula shared the need for more space in Suisun City to effectively achieve the city’s goals. “With City Council’s direction, we have made steady progress toward improving the quality of life and stabilizing our city’s fiscal position,” said City Manager Prebula. “With the City Council’s authorization, now is the time to consider what more we can do to creatively grow our community and deliver more economic opportunity. At only four square miles, we are Solano County’s smallest city. Our surrounding cities have grown over time—increasing jobs, tax revenue, business investment, housing options, and recreational amenities—we now have the opportunity to explore a similar path for our city.”
Council’s direction gives city staff the authority to connect with Solano County officials, community stakeholders and regional partners on the options for expanding city limits through an annexation process. These conversations and any ideas or plans that may come from them would come back to the City Council for a public discussion in the future. Additionally, any actual annexation process would then be up for public review by the Solano County Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO).
“The annexation process will rightly be transparent and involve many stakeholders. In particular, we enter this process expecting to partner with Solano County to ensure a fair allocation of tax revenues generated by our economic development efforts, and to partner with Travis AFB to ensure any land uses protect and strengthen the base, including through appropriate buffers and providing housing and spousal employment for military families,” continued Mr. Prebula.
“Suisun City is a wonderful community with tremendous potential,” said Mayor Pro Tem Jenalee Dawson. “Our culture, our diverse residents and our location are what make Suisun City so special. Tonight we took one small step to open ourselves to what is possible, but we know any opportunities we uncover will require significant work, public hearings and a rigorous and transparent LAFCO review. Now is the time to move forward with our dreams for this city and open our options to truly make Suisun City the best city to live, work, and play.”