Then, there’s that other list of mayors who are remembered more for the controversies or embarrassing incidents that follow them. (You can read more in PublicCEO’s Could Be Worse section)
A Spike.com blog, a far less than serious Web site, put together a Top Ten list of the most misbehaving mayors. (Click here for the complete list.)
Here are a few of the mayors listed:
James Fladung, Mayor of Ault, Colo.
Fladung’s breathalyzer reading moved at such a rapid pace, that he broke the device. From the arrest affidavit: “Officers observed the (Breathalyzer) results climbing at a rapid rate, reaching above a 0.4 (percent) . . . the numbers were moving too fast for the officer to read and the machine shut off and would not turn back on, as if it was broken.”
Eddie Price, Mayor of Mandeville, La.
A video of this mayor appeared on YouTube when Price was pulled over for drunk driving in a city-owned car after smashing through a toll barrier.
Koleen Brooks, Mayor of Georgetown, Colo.
This Colorado mayor’s reputation was ugly, as she once told a reporter she had smoked pot 15 minutes prior to an interview and once faked an attack on herself.
Marion Barry, Mayor of Washington, DC
The mayor of the nation’s capital was tossed from office after being caught doing crack. Though it didn’t hold him down for long, he ran for City Council and won in the early ‘90s and by the mid ‘90s was mayor of D.C. once again.
Antonio Villaraigosa, Mayor of Los Angeles
The high profile mayor made the list on Spike for a sex scandal with a member of the local media. The mayor was caught sleeping with a television reporter in 2007 as his divorce was finalized, and was back in headlines this summer when he began dating another member of the media.