Now both of California’s big city mayors have bowed out of the race to become the state’s next governor.

First it was Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, who decided not to make a run at the state’s power position in June. He said then that he hopes to pay all his attention to fixing the financial situation in his city.

“I can’t leave this city in the middle of a crisis,” Villaraigosa told CNN anchor Wolf Blitzer in June.

When San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom bowed out of race on Friday afternoon, he spoke along those same terms.

“With a young family and responsibilities at city hall, I have found it impossible to commit the time required to complete this effort the way it needs to — and should be — done,” Newsom said.

What’s your take?

Did Villaraigosa or Newsom really end their runs at governor because a feeling of personal responsibility for their respective cities? Or did they see the writing on the wall that they couldn’t win, and found great excuses?

Or is due to the fact that no one wants the job of running a state with such financial dysfunction?

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