The following is from the “Picking Up the Pieces” items listed in the Special January, 2010 issue of the City Manager Newsletter by Trackdown. You may see the entire newsletter issue at the Trackdown Management Services web site:
- Former San Leandro City Manager and Range Rider program founder, Wes McClure passed away on December 20, 2009 at the age of 94. A University of California, Berkeley graduate, Wes served as San Leandro City Manager for 28-years after his appointment in 1948.
In addition to starting the Range Rider program he also had a hand in creating the Municipal Management Assistants of Northern California (MMANC). As LCC’s Dwight Stenbakken said, Wes McClure was a giant among California City Managers. - Yucca Valley veteran City Manager Andrew J. Takata is the new City Manager in Banning.
- Foster City long-time employees Leslie Carmichael, 55, and Ricardo Santiago, 66, retired at the end of 2009. Leslie had 23-years with the city and was the Planning Manager at her retirement. Planner Curtis Banks replaces Leslie. Ricardo, who joined the city in 1982, has been replaced by Administrative Services Director Steve Toler. Foster City also lost Sharon Kwok and Judy Gist, 66, to retirement. Sharon was the Executive Assistant to the City Manager and served a variety of rolls with the city during her 37-year tenure. Judy finished more than 21-years with Foster City. She retired as the office assistant in the Public Works Department. City Manager Jim Hardy and Assistant City Manager Kristi Chappelle move into 2010 with a new team line-up.
- Lancaster Deputy City Manager Jason Caudle has a BA and MPPA from California State University, Bakersfield (CSUB). A former Tehachapi City Manager, Jason is a past president of both the Kern County and South San Joaquin City Managers’ Associations. He is also a former executive with investment bankers Kinsell, Newcomb and De Dios.
- Lee McDougal has announced his intention to retire this year after 34-years as Montclair City Manager.
- San Gabriel Valley Mosquito & Vector Control District General Manager Steve A. West is a former City Manager in Lancaster, California City and Hesperia. He began his career in 1969 as an Administrative Analyst in San Diego.
- Pico Rivera City Manager Chuck Fuentes is a former Chief of Staff for Congresswoman Grace Napolitano, and he also served as Chief Administrative Officer for former Los Angeles City Attorney James Hahn.
- Auburn City Manager Bob Richardson is looking for ways to improve the connection with local citizens including newsletters, Web casts and the City’s TV cable channel.
- Vallejo Fire Chief Russ Sherman has retired but continues to lead the department in an hourly capacity as requested by Interim City Manager Bob Adams until a successor can be recruited. Chief Sherman was appointed to lead the department by former City Manager Joe Tanner.
- Greenfield City Manager Roger Wong has appointed Dale Lipp as the City’s new Public Works Director. Dale attended Monterey Peninsula College and earned a BS in engineering design from Brigham Young University. He previously worked as the Public Works Director/City Engineer in Carpinteria and Calabasas.
- Amalia Lorentz, AICP, is the current Economic Development Manager in the Benicia City Manager’s Office.
- Metropolitan Water District Chief Administrative Officer Gilbert Ivey was recently awarded the Public Sector Leader of the Year Award by the Southern California Leadership Network. Gilbert is a La Verne resident and has been with the MWD for nearly 35-years. He was born in Oceanside and raised in Compton. He earned his BA from California State University, Dominguez Hills.
- Fresno Metropolitan Museum Executive Director Dana Thorpe has announced the closing of the financially troubled museum. The City of Fresno owns the building which the museum will largely vacate by the end of January.
- BART financial analyst Priya Mathur, a CalPERS Board Member, was investigated by the FPPC for failing to file required conflict-of-interest statements.
- Former Police Chief Randy Mendosa is the new City Manager in Arcata where he has served as Interim City Manager since November, 2008 when former City Manager Michael Hackett left on medical leave and subsequently passed away from cancer.
- Urban Futures, Inc. is the primary sponsor of the 2010 City Manager Golf Tournament in Carlsbad.
- It appears that Acting City Manager Steve Julian will become City Manager in San Juan Bautista. The Mayor notes that Steve is “…the most experienced person we’ve ever had as city manager.”
- Daniel Dawson, the first non-interim Del Rey Oaks City Manager in 10-years, has been trimming the budget, including trading in the Police Chief’s Hummer for a Ford F-150 pickup with a camper shell.
- City Attorney Jennifer Lyon said that there is no conflict of interest in the vote of Council Member John M. Moreno when he cast his vote to grant a raise to his first cousin, Calexico City Manager Victor Carrillo.
- Steven A. Preston, San Gabriel’s Interim City Manager since October is the new City Manager.
- Ontario City Manager Greg Devereaux is the new San Bernardino County Chief Administrative Officer, and Ontario Fire Chief Chris Hughes has been appointed City Manager.
- Claremont City Manager Jeff Parker received a three-year employment agreement extension.
The following is from the “Picking Up the Pieces” items listed in the Special January, 2010 issue of the City Manager Newsletter by Trackdown. You may see the entire newsletter issue at the Trackdown Management Services web site:
Trackdown Management is owned and operated by Jack A. and Susan Simpson. Jack is a retired city manager and former senior vice president in marketing for a major public agency consulting firm. Susan works with the corporate office of In-N-Out Burger in Irvine.