Geoffrey Neill is CSAC’s legislative analyst for revenue & tax issues. For more, visit The County Voice.

This year’s ERAF/Prop. 172 survey is finished and available at the link below.

Every year CSAC surveys all 58 counties for the money shifted to ERAF from each county, each city, and special districts.

The survey also asks for Prop. 172 allocations for each county and the cities in them. The survey covers actual data from the previous fiscal year and estimated data for the current year. CSAC is the only entity that collects this information in one place.

This year, for the first time, counties are estimating that ERAF shifts – and, by association, property tax receipts – will be lower statewide this year than last. You know, in case you needed more good news. Even with this expected decline, counties will still be contributing over $5.6 billion to the state’s General Fund through ERAF. Counties expect that Prop. 172 allocations will drop even more sharply than property taxes; they were projected to fall somewhat in last year’s survey too, though not by as much.

The just-completed survey is available at:

ERAF 2008-09 and 2009-10 Numbers from Counties

You can find “back issues” of the survey on the GF&O section of the CSAC website (listed under “CSAC Advocacy”).

For more, visit The County Voice, a place where CSAC, county officials and stakeholders can voice their thoughts on governance and issues that impact California’s 58 counties.