City Manager Fran David of Hayward signed a resolution last month opposing a ballot measure, California Jobs Initiative, which questions the economic impact and job loss the Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 is causing. (View staff report)
The bill required that California greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions be reduced to 1990 1evels by 2020. The ballot initiative requests that the regulations established in AB32 and the Climate Change Proposed Scoping Plan be suspended until the California unemployment rate is 5-percent or lower for four consecutive quarters.
The supporters of this ballot measure are said to be oil companies. Job loss in the continued search of green solutions is highly noted.
The resolution passed states that the City of Hayward does not believe significant jobs are and will continue to be lost by the Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006.
A Climate Change Proposed Scoping Plan was prepared by the California Air Resource Board and approved in 2008. According to the California Resource Board, this plan holds polluters accountable for their emissions and outlines an ambitious reduction in California carbon footprint by reducing “business as usual emissions” by 15-percent.