Paul McIntosh is the Executive Director of the California State Association of Counties. For more, visit The County Voice

The CSAC Board of Directors voted on Thursday to oppose Propositions 19 and 26 set for the November ballot.

Proposition 19, “The Regulate, Control and Tax Cannibas Act of 2010,” had been reviewed extensively by the CSAC Administration of Justice and Government Finance and Operations policy committees.

The initiative would legalize possession and private consumption of up to one ounce of marijuana as well as allow cultivation on parcels of up to 25 square feet; it leaves questions of regulation, sales, and taxation to local governments. The Association’s Executive Committee recommended a vote of opposition at its meeting last month.

Proposition 26, called “The Stop Hidden Taxes Measure,” would redefine regulatory fees as taxes for state and local purposes, thereby increasing vote requirements. The initiative also would increase vote requirement for state tax changes that result in higher tax payments for any taxpayer, instead of taxpayers generally. Both the CSAC Government Finance and Operations Committee and Executive Committee had previously recommended an oppose position on Proposition 26.

The board heard presentations from supporters and opponents before discussing each measure in-depth.

During its meeting today, the CSAC board also discussed Propositions 21 (fee to support state parks) and 23 (tying implementation of AB 32 to unemployment rate), but took no position on either initiative. CSAC policy requires that for the Association to take a position on a ballot measure, a motion must receive votes from 30 counties, which constitutes a majority of California’s 58 counties; neither Proposition 21 nor 23 met this threshold.

To review the Board of Directors’ materials regarding these initiatives, click here.

For more, visit The County Voice, a place where CSAC, county officials and stakeholders can voice their thoughts on governance and issues that impact California’s 58 counties.