Each week, Louis Dettorre will provide the PublicCEO Staff Report of the Week. Nominate yourself or a colleague by e-mailing ldettorre@publicCEO.com. To see a complete archive of staff reports, click here.

The City Council of Oceanside approved a policy requested by City Manager Peter Weiss to waive reading the full text of ordinances and the full text and title of resolutions. (Full staff report here)

Weiss and his staff recommend the City Council approve the waiving of reading the text of all ordinances and the text and title of all resolutions.

The adopted policy states that it is sufficient to only read the title of ordinances at the time of introduction and adoption.

Also in the report, the City Attorney will read the title of all ordinances included in the Introduction and Adoption of Ordinances Section.

After reading the ordinance and resolution titles, the City Council may introduce or adopt the entire ordinance or resolution in one motion and the second. Unanimous approval from the City Council/ Harbor Board/ CDC was required in passing this policy.