I know one candidate who probably won’t be voting for herself this election season. In fact, her felony convictions may keep her from voting at all.

From the Fontana Herald News:

Tami Wetzel, a prominent candidate for one of the two open Fontana City Council seats in the Nov. 2 election, has two felony convictions on her personal record and is “not qualified to hold public office,” according to the San Bernardino County District Attorney’s Office in a letter dated Oct. 14.

But Wetzel said she has been advised by lawyers who say that her convictions for grand theft in 1995 and 1996 would not preclude her from serving on the City Council, and so she is determined to continue her campaign.

“I will continue walking and urging people to vote for me. I will not stop campaigning. I am not squashed; I am not done,” said Wetzel in an interview with the Herald News on Saturday.

Read the full article here.