First appointed to the Contra Costa Water District Board in 1974, Bette Boatmun has worked with the agency for more than half of its 74 year history. Along the way, she has been a leader on the board, in the community, and within the Special Districts Association itself.
Therefore, PublicCEO is pleased to name Bette Boatmun as the Special District Official of the Year, as part of the Local Government Awards.
“Our overall purpose has to be to serve the public,” said Boatmun. “We should remember that’s the ultimate goal.” And her service to the public is what set her apart from other candidates in the running.
Boatmun has held chair positions on the Governing Board of the East County Water Management Association, the Contra Costa Special Districts Association, public school teacher, and executive director of Contra Costa’s YWCA.
Stanley Caldwell, a member of the Mountain View Sanitary District Board, wrote that, “Boatmun exemplifies what it means to go above and beyond the call of duty.” And that she has “great values and principles, among them [are] honesty, integrity, respect, open-mindedness, loyalty, and a consideration for all.”
Her time with the water district has not always been easy. She served on the board during the worst draught in the state’s history. But she also helped build the Randall-Bold Water Treatment Plant and was involved with all stages of the building of the Los Vaqueros Reservoir.
Boatmun’s time as the Chair of the Contra Costa Special Districts Association began in 1997. She says, “We started small and local, exactly following the premise that all politics is local, and after defending our revenue, the association grew in size and influence. Today, there is ample recognition that special districts are indeed the third leg of local government.”
There is also recognition for those who put forth the time, effort, and care to make those special districts effective tools for delivering services. PublicCEO is proud to present her with this award, as her commitment to her community and to Special Districts cannot be questioned.
“Ms. Boatmun has been a leader and active participant in the special district and CSDA community for many years,” said California Special Districts Association Executive Director Neil McCormick. “She has represented districts in a variety of forums including most recently at a hearing on ensuring transparency in local governments. Ms. Boatmun is certainly deserving of such recognition.”
Join us in congratulating Bette Boatmun, on this award in local government.
Other Winners Already Announced:
PublicCEO Service to the State Award
PublicCEO Ordinance of the Year Award
PublicCEO Blunder of the Year Award
PublicCEO Public Information Officer of the Year
Stay tuned this week for more Local Government Awards from For more information, please contact the editor, Dan Oney at