In Nevada City, their three top employees have more htan 130 years of combined experience. That experience has enabled them to tackle some of the city’s challenges while working just half time.
Their part-time pay comes from their retirement; all three currently receive pensions. Because of their fixed income supplement to their salaries, their semi-retirement has helped the city weather the difficult economic times.
The challenge will be replacing them. How can the city hope to find new workers willing to deliver services at the discounted price?
From The Union:
In Nevada City, council members call them “the triumvirate” – City Manager Gene Albaugh, City Engineer Bill Falconi and Police Chief Lou Trovato.
Their combined experience adds up to well over 130 years. They have all expressed interest in retirement, but continue to work for the city; at a time of financial crisis, they collect half-time salaries, though they often put in more than half-time work.
“Retirement? Who’s talking about retirement?” Albaugh quipped.
They can afford to work on that basis because all three are collecting pensions based on decades of previous employment, with health insurance that goes with it. But finding their successors – younger professionals with bills to pay and expectations of full salaries and health benefits – will be a difficult task.
Read the full article here.