Solano County Contract Planner, Ken Solomon provided a report to the county Planning Commission providing a project overview and to hear public testimony on the Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR).
The report lays out a project proposal by NextEra Energy Montezuma II Wind, LLC to install and operate a new commercial wind energy facility in the Montezuma Hills. The wind energy project would comprise of 34 wind turbine generators, electrical generation capacity, support facilities, a new substation switchyard and underground utility lines. The project facilities are on approximately 2,539 acres of private parcels under long term lease for wind development.
The Draft Environmental Impact Report currently is in the mandatory 45-day public review period until April 22.
To view the entire report click here.
The project is located approximately four miles south of highway 12. The electricity generated by the project would connect to the existing PG&E Vaca Dixon-Contra Costa transmission line.
Significant impacts that could be mitigated to a less than significant level are in the areas as listed in the report: Aesthetic/Visual Resources, Agricultural Resources and Air quality, to name a few.
The final Environmental Impact Report will be brought before the Planning Commission for final consideration with the Use Permit on or around July 21, 2011.
There is no fiscal note attached to this recommendation.
Louis Dettorre can be reached at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.