You can’t say that politics in Los Milinos isn’t light-hearted. Nor is it for an unworthy cause.
Whoever raises the most wins the election. And the candidates give it their all. For Sabrina Fitz, her campaign includes a jingle about her arm pits. For Kevin Benson Sr., (pictured to the right) it’s an opportunity to dress in a full Captain America costume.
In exchange for being elected, the mayor receives a one year membership in the local chamber of commerce and a front row seat at the July 4th parade.
Sabrina Fritz, a pharmacy technician, is running for mayor of Los Molinos. At a recent “Meet Your Candidates” night at the Veterans of Foreign Wars Hall in this small Tehama County community, she announced her campaign jingle: “My name is Sabrina, last name Fritz, vote for me and I’ll show you my,” and, raising her arms, she exclaimed, “pits!”
Los Molinos-population 2,002-isn’t incorporated, so the mayor’s post is purely honorary and the campaigning is good-humored. Votes don’t win it-fundraising does. “It’s the best mayor money can buy,” Pastor Mike Druey said. Read the full article here.The small, unincorporated community in Tehama doesn’t have a mayor with official duties and because of that, the race to become mayor isn’t expensive. In fact, it’s designed to raise money. The annual mayor’s election isn’t based on votes, but instead it is a fundraising contest for the local 4th of July parade.