Some cities search under every rock and stone for new revenues, others turn to the brightest ideas shining in the night. Those cities, like Newark, are recognizing the value of electronic billboards. Residents may not like them, motorists might find them distracting, but for one city they mean $100,000 in new revenues for municipal coffers.

Not only does Newark hope to benefit from the extra revenues the signs would provide, they see a value for the community and local businesses. Three signs in the city would be able to provide greater exposure for local businesses and a way to increase awareness of community events.

The signs in question would be built upon posts between 65 and 85 feet tall, and support a screen that measures 14 feet by 48 feet. With the appearance of a plasma screen, the signs are eye catching and are quickly becoming a favorite for advertisers.

From The Oakland Tribune:

Residents and officials have described electronic advertising billboards — proposed to stand high above city freeways — as eye-catching, unsafe, lucrative, ugly, distracting and the way of the future.

In the final analysis, they may be all of the above.

Terrence Grindall, Newark’s community development director, said the signs offer practical benefits to a city hungry for revenue.

Read the full article here.