In October of 2010, the mayor voted to create an enterprise zone. Several months later, he then bought property in the zone. But before escrow closed on the property, he allegedly realized the potential conflict of interest and gifted the escrow money and property to his son. Unfortunately, it appears the action was a ‘false property transfer’ and he never relinquished control or interest in the property. He then failed to disclose it on his FPPC paperwork – the perjury charge.
Once he had the property, he began modifying and upgrading it – without permits. When improperly installed sparked a fire in the house, he removed them before inspectors could identify the source of the flames. This was part of the conspiracy charge.
Other inappropriate activites alleged by the criminal complaint include using his influence to try to force building inspectors to lift stop work orders during his upgrades and telling his workers to work after 5pm and on weekends to avoid building inspectors.
In all, the complaint alleges more than 30 instances of misconduct.
From News10.Net:
The mayor of Placerville, David Joseph Machado, was arrested on suspicion of perjury and conspiracy, according to the El Dorado County Sheriff’s Office.
Per a criminal complaint filed Thursday by the El Dorado County District Attorney’s Office, an investigation in Machado alleges he knowingly failed to disclose his purchase of property in the Placerville Redevelopment Area and then tried to conceal evidence of his involvement.
Read the full article here.