The San Bernardino Valley Enterprise Zone was established by the California Department of Housing and Community Development to encourage investment, growth, development and job creation in economically distressed areas of the county. The zone covers approximately 42 square miles According to the SBVEZ website, some of the benefits offered to companies in the Enterprise Zone are a reduction in the state income tax by $37,440 per qualified employee, over a five-year period, as well as sales and use tax credits, operating loss carryover, and state contract preference.
Simpson Strong-Tie is a leading manufacturer of structural building products with dozens of locations throughout the U.S. and worldwide. The company consolidated its Southern California operations into a 400,000 square-foot building in Riverside, an unincorporated portion of San Bernardino County within the zone. The move took place in April and accommodates the company’s need for increased space and efficiency.
“The company has a history of using the enterprise zone program for other facilities, so when it came time for us to move, finding a location in an enterprise zone was a high priority.” said Murray Daniels, branch manager. “We chose the Inland Empire because it not only offered us use of the program and the capacity we need for future growth, but also the logistic advantages needed for heavy manufacturing and distribution.”
Simpson Strong-Tie’s relocation brings more than 180 office, manufacturing and warehouse jobs to the region. The company will utilize the zone’s tax credits to expand its workforce and plans to hire up to 10 new employees next year.
Simpson Strong-Tie has been in business for more than 50 years and has developed a reputation for being a leader in research, testing, and innovation.
Hayden Industrial Products is a manufacturer of mobile and stationary heat exchangers for the power generation, construction, fluid power and agriculture industries. The company is relocating to a 109,000 square-foot industrial building located in San Bernardino. The move is currently taking place and will be completed by the end of the fall.
“The company has been actively searching for a site that suited our production requirements and provided us the opportunity to consolidate and grow,” said Shannon Riley, human resources manager. “San Bernardino met our expectations and the enterprise zone was an added incentive that we will most certainly use to expand our workforce and product lines.”
Hayden Industrial Products currently employs 66 administrative, engineering, production and sales workers. The company is in the process of completing hiring tax vouchers for several of its employees, and has plans to hire more local workers as business grows.
Hayden Industrial Products is a heat exchanger manufacturer, which provides custom engineered product to the mobile, industrial, power generation, oil and gas, and Process industries. This year is its 50th in operation. With its new home office in San Bernardino, Hayden Industrial Products’ goal is to provide a highly engineered quality product line at a competitive price, along with application engineering support and a responsive customer service staff.