Upcoming courses from the California State Association of County’s Institute for Excellence in County Government are focusing on realignment. 

The far-reaching plan to shift responsibilities from the State to the Counties will go into affect on Saturday. That’s the easy part. The next questions are how it will ultimately shape the face of corrections; how its long term funding will work; and what it means for the public, public safety, and those in custody.

Three courses, “The New Face of Community Corrections,” “Detecting Fraud in County Governmental and Non-Profit Environments,”and “Realignment 201: Working in a New Era” will broach at least some of these answers.

The New Face of Community Corrections

This course provides an in-depth policy discussion of the 2011 public safety realignment that has been signed into law. The course examines the responsibilities, programs, services, and state funding of the realigned corrections responsibilities. Highlights include a review of current trends and best practices in community corrections, including new approaches to corrections strategies and local community corrections partnerships. Through interactive discussion and case studies, participants explore the range of corrections issues such as alternative approaches to incarceration, parole and probation, changing relationships with the courts, and use of faith-based community groups.

Course moderator and instructor is Meghan Guevara, MPH, Managing Associate of the Crime and Justice Institute, a division of Communities Resources for Justice, Inc., Boston, MA. Faculty includes Mary Butler, Chief Probation Officer of Napa County along with Napa District Attorney Gary Lieberstein and Sheriff Doug Kolford.

Friday, October 21, 2011
10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
CSAC Conference Center Sacramento
$75/person for counties; designed for County Supervisors and senior executives.

Detecting Fraud in County Governmental and Non-Profit Environments

Boards of Supervisors, county administrative officers and auditors have a fiduciary responsibility to oversee the financial operations of the county. This course identifies the seven most common instances of fraud in local governmental entities through an interactive discussion and review of several recent headlined fraud cases. It examines conditions within entities that leave them susceptible to fraud.

Highlighted topics include: personal fraud, fraudulent charging of expenses, overriding purchasing controls, personal use of public assets, kickbacks, and control weaknesses. This course will help you create policies and systems to prevent fraud, and identify warning signs to watch for before fraud becomes a serious issue.

Course instructor is Dr. Peter Mark Hughes, CPA, Director of Internal Audit for Orange County and instructor at Cal State Fullerton and Cal Poly San Luis Obispo. This course is presented by CalCPA Foundation and is eligible for 6 CPE credits for Certified Public Accountants.

Thursday, October 27, 2011
10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
CSAC Conference Center Sacramento
$75/person for counties; designed for County Supervisors and senior executives.

Realignment 201: Working in a New Era

WE ADDED THIS CLASS BY POPULAR DEMAND! What is realignment, where did it come from and how does it work? This course examines the history and rationale for establishing it and why programs were included. Participants examine the mechanics and what programs realignment funds today. The course begins with a thorough background of the structure and programs in the 1991 realignment. Building on that understanding, the course then examines the 2011 realignment programs with a particular emphasis on public safety realignment. Other programs affected by 2011 realignment are also discussed. Details on the programs and county options will be overviewed. This is a must-attend course for all policy-makers and senior staff responsible for program administration and financial management.

Instructors include: Diane Cummins , special advisor to the Governor on state and local realignment; Graham Knaus, Placer County Budget & Finance Operations Manager; Karen Pank, executive director of the Chief Probation Officers of California; and Dr. Sandra Naylor Goodwin, President and CEO of the California Institute for Mental Health.

Register early as this class will sell out!!!

Thursday, November 3, 2011
10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
CSAC Conference Center Sacramento
$75/person for counties; designed for County Supervisors and senior executives.

Registration fee for all courses includes course materials and lunch.

To register for courses
or to learn more about the Institute, credential programs, and courses,
please visit www.csacinstitute.org,
or email info@csacinstitute.org
and request an informational packet.