Public records requests can sometimes turn up more than anticipated. Because those discoveries can be personally or professionally embarrassing, the employees in Anaheim were directed to delete old or unnecessary files. That order threw up red flags for open government advocates and union official alike.
Since the email was sent to city employees, the union has ordered its employees not to comply until the District Attorney had an opportunity to review the legality of the directive. The DA then forwarded the complaint to the City Attorney.
Now, City Attorney Cristina Talley says she’ll look into the matter.
From the Voice of the OC:
Anaheim City Attorney Cristina Talley said Tuesday she is “looking into” an email sent by a Planning Department official ordering employees to purge “unnecessary” records or face “disciplinary action.”
“I’m still looking into the matter,” Talley said.
Hannah Jones sent the email, which referred to records that might “damage our credibility.” The email was sent after Voice of OC filed a request under the California Public Records Act for records of communications to and from members of the City Council.