The Sacramento Area Council of Governments inducted Rocklin Vice Mayor Peter Hill as the 2012 SACOG Board Chair and Yuba County Supervisor Mary Jane Griego as Board Vice Chair at their board meeting on Thursday.

Vice Mayor Hill will be Board Chair for the metropolitan planning organization with 31 board members representing six counties and the 22 cities within them. SACOG provides transportation planning and funding for the greater Sacramento region, and serves as a public forum for innovative and integrated regional planning to preserve a high quality of life for communities in the region. In addition to long-range transportation planning, SACOG explores a range of issues, including land use, air quality, water, and rural sustainability. SACOG leads efforts to ensure the Sacramento region is competitive and receives its fair share of state and federal funding for infrastructure.

Vice Mayor Hill will also lead the board in adopting the Metropolitan Transportation Plan/Sustainable Communities Strategy for 2035. His first action as chair was to form a board task force on shared services and new initiatives to identify how SACOG can save cities and counties money and improve the quality of services it provides.

In addition to the SACOG Board of Directors, Vice Mayor Hill has served on the Rocklin City Council for 29 years and has been mayor six times. He serves on a number of boards, including the Placer County Air Pollution Control District Board, South Placer Regional Transportation Authority, and the Lincoln and Loomis Borders Committees. He previously served as a Rocklin School Board Trustee and Placer County Planning Commissioner.

Supervisor Griego was elected to the Yuba County Board of Supervisors in 2000, re-elected in 2004 and 2008, and served as Chair for 2005 and 2010. A Yuba County resident since 1963, she has managed her family’s restaurant, Duke’s Diner, for over 20 years. In addition to SACOG, she serves on the First 5 Yuba Commission Board of Directors, Feather River Air Quality Management District Board, Yuba County Local Agency Formation Commission, Three Rivers Levee Improvement Authority, Yuba-Sutter Transit Authority, and Yuba County Water Agency Board of Directors.

The SACOG Board of Directors meets on the third Thursday of each month at 9 a.m. at 1415 L Street, Suite 300 in Sacramento, unless otherwise noticed. Board meetings are open to the public. Agendas and minutes may be obtained by visiting the SACOG website at or by calling (916) 321-9000.