A new audit commissioned by the Roseville Police Officers’ Association claims that the City did not need to impose harsh concessions on officers after its auditors discovered $91 million hidden in special accounts. The POA says officers suffered a $450- $850 loss in pay last month after being forced to pay the full 9 percent employee share towards their pensions.
However, the City contests the audit’s findings, saying that special funds are for specific purposes, and that money cannot go towards compensation. The decision to pass the employee-share of pension contributions was citywide and didn’t just affect the police officers. The city manager went on to describe the audit as a PR stunt.
The POA is hoping to spark outrage in the community and has expressed their desire to bring the City back to the bargaining table. But with the best, last, and final offer already imposed, the City will likely see the issue as closed.
Read the full article at KCRA News.