Originally posted at The Liberal OC.

A FPPC complaint has been filed alleging that Anaheim Mayor Tom Tait voted improperly, several times in violation of state conflict of interest laws over the past couple years, on matters involving the Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA). Tait’s company, Tait Environmental Services, holds a contract of more than $330,000 with OCTA.

As Voice of OC detailed last week, Tait drew fire for voting in November to appoint himself to the OCTA board, even though his firm, Tait Environmental Services, has a $330,114 contract with OCTA for work on underground storage tanks. Tait was nominated for the post by Orange County City Selection Committee for OCTA. That nomination was subsequently placed before the full OCTA board for consideration by current 4th District representative Anaheim Councilwoman Gail Eastman.

The complaint alleges that, in addition to his votes on his appointment to the OCTA Board, Tait was prohibited from voting on any matter related to OCTA, such as votes on the the Anaheim Rapid Connection (Light-Rail from Anaheim Transportation Center and the Anaheim Resort District.

Voice of OC reported on Friday:

When reached for comment, Tait said that he had all his votes cleared by Anaheim City Attorney Michael Houston as well as OCTA counsel.
Traut, who is a protege of Anaheim City Councilman Jordan Brandman, sent a copy of the complaint to Voice of OC late Friday.

Connor Traut takes Oath of Office as an Orange County Juvenile Justice Commissioner - February 2014

Connor Traut takes Oath of Office as an Orange County Juvenile Justice Commissioner – February 2014

Traut, who wasrecently appointedto serve as an Orange County Juvenile Justice Commissioner, released the following statement related to his complaint:

I think Anaheim residents have the right to know if Mayor Tait violated the law. I attend most of the Anaheim City Council meetings and notice that he often refuses to vote claiming hisbusiness gets paid by OCTA, but other times he votes on OCTA issues and doesn’t say a word. He either has a conflict or he doesn’t. He can’t have it both ways.

There are a lot of people in Anaheim who have concerns with Mayor Tait, I know because I have spoken to many of them. I received a lot of input, and that helped me see how to frame this complaint.

My complaint was sent to the State of California, because they are the responsible agency to determine if the Mayor Tait violated the law by voting on OCTA items when his company received over $300,000 of taxpayer money.