The General Municipal Election in the City of Ranch Palos Verdes, previously scheduled for November 3, 2020, has been canceled.
On June 2, 2020, the City Council called for the General Municipal Election to be held for the election of two members of City Council. The nomination period began on July 13th and ended on August 7th, with only two candidates nominated – incumbents Mayor Cruikshank and Mayor Pro Tem Alegria, for the two open seats.
Per Elections Code 10229, when this occurs, the local agency (City Council) is authorized to appoint to each office those nominated as though they were elected at a municipal election. This appointment also causes the previously scheduled election to be canceled and yields an approximate savings of over $100K to the City’s budget. The City Clerk has also been directed to not accept for filing any statement of a write in candidate which is submitted after the appointments are made.
During the August 18, 2020, City Council meeting, the City Council appointed John Cruikshank and Eric Alegria to take office and serve exactly as though elected at a municipal election for a full term of four years. They will be sworn into office during the December 1st Regular City Council meeting.
Agenda Report from August 18, 2020 Consideration and possible action to appoint persons nominated for Members of the City Council and cancel the General Municipal Election scheduled for November 3, 2020.
Resolution 2020-48 Cancellation of the November 3, 2020 General Municipal Election and Appointments to Office