As one of the City of Chico’s main areas of focus during COVID-19 continues to be protecting vulnerable populations in our community, the City is proud to announce and welcome Suzi Kochems as the City’s new Homeless Solutions Coordinator.
“The City was fortunate to have retained the services of Joy Amaro over the past few months, but realize that her desire to ensure the continued success of True North Housing Alliance, by providing the City with emergency sheltering services, is vital and necessary,” said City of Chico City Manager Mark Orme. “The City sincerely appreciates the incredible amount of time, energy and effort Joy gave toward building a foundation for the Homeless Solutions Coordinator position and in strengthening the vital relationships necessary to move forward on these complex issues.”
Mrs. Kochems has over 25 years’ experience serving public and private agencies, including a decade of administrative management in the Housing Division of the Glenn County Health and Human Services Agency, where she played an integral part in the agency’s grant and contract administration unit. Mrs. Kochems has also served as the Homeless Continuum of Care Coordinator for twelve Northern California Counties, as well as the Contracts and Procurement Manager for Butte County, the Executive Director of First 5 Trinity, and the Grants Administrator for Trinity County.
“Bringing Suzi on board as Homeless Solutions Coordinator is a true blessing and will be a smooth transition,” said Mark Orme. “Suzi has incredible knowledge, skills and experience in the fields of both housing and homelessness and has professional expertise and valuable insights to help the City achieve success on these fronts. The City is fortunate to have secured her services for the foreseeable future.”
Mrs. Kochems will provide direct assistance to the unhoused, in addition to coordinating the efforts of the City and outside agencies to find people paths to the resources they need.
For media inquiries, please contact Lynda Gizzi, Public Information Officer, at (530) 896-7204.