City of West Covina logoOn December 1st, the West Covina City Council directed staff to explore methods to improve local public health – including alternatives to the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health. Through community awareness and a robust mask donation program, the City of West Covina has relatively low infection rates compared to the Countywide daily rates.

The City wants to maintain low rates of infection and is exploring the most effective course of action. West Covina City Manager David Carmany has engaged consultant medical advisor Dr. P. Basil Vassantachart, MD to assist in evaluating options. Dr. Vassantachart is a family medicine specialist, managing multiple primary care, family practice, preventive medicine and industrial facilities. In the late 1980s, Dr. Vassantachart formed a doctors group to take over management of Alhambra Community Hospital.

“To better serve our community, we must look at options West Covina has in providing public health services and assisting the State and County in fighting the pandemic. Dr. Vassantachart will be a vital part of determining the best path for our City,” stated Mayor Tony Wu.

“Our community wants to ensure that needed risk benefit analysis are performed when coronavirus measures are enacted. Having Dr. Vassantachart’s expertise and experience is critical,” stated City Manager David Carmany.

The City continues to strongly encourage everyone to continue wearing masks when around others, practice socially distancing, wash your hands often (20 seconds or use hand sanitizer), and avoid crowds. Please visit the Center for Disease and Control and Prevention Guidelines for additional information.

“We’re looking to the horizon. We want to work together with the public health community and other agencies to find a way through this crisis,” explained Mayor Tony Wu.

For questions or to learn more about West Covina contact City Hall at (626) 939-8401.