At its March 22, 2021 meeting, the Grover Beach City Council directed staff to finalize the Fiscal Year 2022-26 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) in conjunction with the FY 2021-23 budget process. The CIP includes $13 million for 22 proposed projects in the upcoming fiscal year beginning on July 1 (FY 22) which is the City’s largest single year of capital projects to improve public infrastructure in Grover Beach.
“We have made significant progress in improving our infrastructure and advancing the priorities that matter most to our community,” said Grover Beach Mayor Jeff Lee. “The City is committed to continuing our strategic investment in capital projects for the benefit of Grover Beach residents, businesses, and visitors.”
Spanning five categories, projects included in the FY 22 CIP are aimed at advancing Major City Goals and priorities identified by the Council in March 2021. The projects are funded by numerous funding sources including the recently approved Measure F-20 1% sales tax. Project categories and examples include the following:
Streets: In keeping with the Major City Goal of Street Improvements, street repairs continue to be the largest funded category in the FY 22 CIP. Building on the City’s current and completed street repair work funded by Measure K-14 which has covered over 50% of local streets to date, the CIP identifies additional streets and sidewalks projects for improvement over the next five years including three major street segments on South Oak Park Boulevard, West Grand Avenue and North 4th Street. The CIP also allocates funding for additional streetscape improvements on West Grand Avenue as outlined in the West Grand Avenue Master Plan.
Parks: Building on the City’s current construction of a new playground at 16th Street Park and the Council’s adoption of the Ramona Garden Park Master Plan in November 2020, the CIP identifies funding to implement the Master Plan over a multi-year timeframe. The CIP also includes projects to improve the appearance and use of the Skate Park and to install a decomposed granite walkway along the north side of Mentone Basin Park.
Public Buildings and Facilities: The FY 22 CIP outlines improvements to Grover Beach’s Police Station and City Hall facilities as well as a project to begin improvements to the Corporation Yard which houses the City’s maintenance operation.
Water: The FY 22 CIP continues to advance the Grover Beach Water Master Plan with construction for water main upgrades, implementation of a water meter replacement program and funding for design engineering work to continue supporting the Central Coast Blue recycled water project in partnership with neighboring communities.
Wastewater: The FY 22 CIP continues to advance a multi-year sewer system upgrade to support future development in Grover Beach by advancing sewer system upgrades, construction for the Front Street Lift Station and design and construction for the Nacimiento Lift Station.
Projects outlined in the FY 22 CIP utilize 13 different funding sources including General Fund revenues, special taxes and fees, grant funds and bond measures like Measure K-14 street repair bonds. In addition to the projects identified for funding, the CIP identifies nearly $60 million in unfunded capital needs providing the groundwork for Council and Staff to identify future funding for these various needs.
To view the full list of current and identified Capital Improvement Program projects in Grover Beach, visit the City’s website.