In a Joint Meeting Tuesday evening, January 11, the Lake County Board of Supervisors and Lakeport City Council took historic action to move forward on the South Lakeport Annexation, unanimously adopting a Tax Sharing Agreement. Both parties believe Annexation, under the agreed terms, will increase government efficiency, while also delivering enhanced services to residents and businesses in the Annexation area.
“Since taking my seat as a Supervisor, I have made it a goal, and it was very important to me, to get to the end of Annexation,” emphasized District 4 Supervisor, Tina Scott, who represents the portion of Lake County that includes the Annexation area. “It has been going on for way too long; it is very important to approve the Agreement and allow the Annexation process to proceed to the next step.”
District 1 Supervisor Moke Simon added, “We have a Tax Sharing Agreement that I believe to be beneficial to both jurisdictions. [This is] an opportunity to show cooperation in the way we can move forward with Annexation.”
Annexation processes are complex efforts that essentially transfer land areas from the jurisdiction of one government agency to another. Within each county in California, a Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCo) reviews complex matters with inter-jurisdictional implications, including proposed Annexations. With the Tax Sharing Agreement between the City and County in place, LAFCo can now move forward with their review.
LAFCo will soon hold Public Hearings, and the intent is to complete Annexation in fall 2022. Additional details about the affected area, process and answers to Frequently Asked Questions are available at
“This [area] has been part of the City’s Sphere of Influence for 30 years,” said Mayor Stacey Mattina. “Annexation is one of the greatest economic development tools available to both the City and County. Moving forward with this project will benefit the whole region.”
Council Member Kenny Parlet noted, “This agreement is a win for the city, a win for the county, and a win for the residents of the annexation area. It’s not just a win-win. It’s a win-win-win.”
Benefits of this Annexation include:
- Property and Sales Tax revenue sharing that supports the sustainability of City- and County-provided services;
- Extension of the City’s main water line into the area, providing residents and businesses the option to access City-provided utilities;
- The County and City will partner to find a long-term solution for wastewater treatment and collection that is financially feasible and effective, for residents and businesses, alike; and
- The County will continue its oversight and implementation of major grant-funded road improvements on South Main Street and Soda Bay Road.
County and City officials look forward to further public input as this process advances, and the great progress to come.