On January 25, Fontana City Council unanimously approved a Municipal Code Amendment to include the “Industrial Commerce Centers Sustainability Standards”. This amendment adds environmental and building requirements that reach beyond the current Federal, State and Regional requirements in an effort to reduce air quality impacts attributable to industrial commerce center development.
“I believe you will find that there is interest throughout the region and throughout the State in what we are doing. Many communities want to ensure that they are doing this right,” said Mayor Acquanetta Warren. “We are working to preserve our local environment for generations to come. We believe that by promoting programs and adopting regulations that encourage the reduction of Green House Gas Emissions it helps to put us one step further in achieving our goals.”
Among the standards included in the ordinance:
- Anti-idling signs are required to be posted at warehouses to stipulate a 3-minute idling restriction
- Facility operators are required to establish and enforce a truck routing plan
- Signs and drive aisle pavement markings are required to clearly identify
the internal circulation pattern - Plug in outlets required for all loading docks that serve TRU’s (Transport Refrigeration Units), preventing further unnecessary idling
- Signs are required to be in public view with contact information for a designated representative of the building operator and SCAQMD
- Zero emissions standards for “yard equipment”
“This ordinance is more restrictive and environmentally progressive than other cities in the region because we are taking it very seriously,” said Deputy City Manager, Phil Burum. While Fontana won’t solve the problem on its own, we can certainly lay the ground work for others to follow suit.”
Click here to view the full Ordinance.