The City of Hercules is launching the Parks and Recreation Facilities Master Plan initiative to proactively address and review City parks, indoor recreation facilities, programs and events. To aid the process, the City will be launching a dedicated website, community survey, and community events to allow the public the opportunity to provide feedback as the process moves forward.
Hercules is home to one community park, seven neighborhood parks, and five mini parks. Refugio Valley Park and Trail is about 55 acres and includes the City’s Community Swim Center. The other parks provide another 73 acres of park space. In addition to parks and recreation facilities, the City hosts a multitude of seasonal and year-around recreation events and programs.
“With the Master Plan initiative, the City will gain an understanding of infrastructure and facility needs as well as community priorities for the future. The feedback gained from the community will support informed discussion and decision-making related to park needs and opportunities,” said Mayor Alex Walker Griffin. “We encourage the community to engage in this process and be on the lookout for additional information.”
The process will take place in several phases, with the preliminary step of solidifying the project’s Steering Committee. The Steering Committee consists of seven appointed representatives of the Community and Library Services Commission, the Planning Commission and the City’s Project Leadership Team. The purpose of the Committee is to review deliverables and provide guidance at key milestones. Committee members include: Ricky Delos Reyes, Bob Redlow, Tyler Darke, Han Chen, Evangelia Ward-Jackson, Hector Rubio and Kenneth Morrison.
The project phases include:
- Phase 1: Evaluate the state of the park system
- This phase assesses Hercules’ overall park system through physical examination of park assets and conversations with City staff, City Council, and the project Steering Committee.
- Phase 2: Identify needs and opportunities
- During Phase 2, the community will be asked about park use, needs, opportunities, and priorities. This and other information will help identify where gaps exist in park services. Overarching community needs will be identified in a park needs assessment summary.
- Phase 3: Provide recommendations and prioritization
- This phase will verify community priorities and identify strategies to enhance the park system over the next 10 years. Site specific park and trail recommendations, capital and operations costing, funding strategies, and an action plan provides the City a roadmap forward.
- Phase 4: Develop and Adopt the Master Plan
- Information developed during the plan process is put together in an attractive, easy-to-read graphic document. Input from City staff, the project’s Joint Commission, and City Council will be incorporated into the final Master Plan.
Through this process, City staff will also be better able to strategically allocate resources, and leverage grant opportunities and other funding options to ensure that the needs of the community are met in the future.
“The parks and park facilities within our City foster development, support economic development, strengthen safety and security, promote health and wellness and provide recreational experiences,” stated Parks & Recreation Director Christopher Roke. “Through the Parks and Recreation Facilities Master Plan, we hope to develop a plan that will benefit all community members and ignite unity around our parks.”
The City will be providing additional information to the public as it becomes available. For additional information regarding the Master Plan and the upcoming community engagement opportunities, visit: