Local government has evolved as a phenomenon throughout United Sates history.
Since the 10th Amendment to the United States Constitution makes local government for the most part a matter of state rather than federal law, the states are free to adopt a wide variety of systems of local government.
Among the various types, one of the largest and most diverse forms includes municipal government. Municipal governments include those governments designated as cities, boroughs (except in Alaska), towns (except in Minnesota, New York, and Wisconsin), and villages.
The most prominent and perhaps important municipal entity is the city.
According to Lorraine Okabe with the California League of Cities, California acknowledges a total of 480 incorporated cities making California the second largest city-populated state in America.
According to the Institute for Local Self-Government, the Mayor-council, council-manager and commission are the three broad classifications of municipal government in the United States.
In general law cities in California, only the mayor-council and the council-manager are legal organization structures for cities. Furthermore, almost all of California cities have selected the council-manager system.
Council-Manager Governments
Mayor-Council Governments

- In the weak mayor-council type, the mayor is not a chief executive in the true sense. He has limited power in appointments and removals, as well as veto; and a large number of elected officials and boards exist. Many legal powers of the council stifle him from effectively supervising city administration.
- In the strong mayor-council form, the mayor has the power to appoint and remove most department heads, and only a few officials come about from election. In addition, he prepares the budget for the council’s consideration and has an effective veto power.
San Francisco mayor Gavin Newsome, and Los Angeles’ Antonio Villaraigosa stand out as two examples of mayors who enjoy the broad power granted in the strong mayor-council system.
According to the California League of Cities, the following cities operate under a strong-mayor council: Fresno, Los Angeles, Oakland, San Diego, and San Francisco. (Sacramento is considering adopting this form as of November 2008.)
City-Commissioner Governments
This form once served as most common in the United States. Now, however, cities are no longer directed by commission in California.
In a city commission government, voters elect a small commission of members on a plurality-at-large basis.
These commissioners constitute the legislative body of the city and as a group stand responsible for taxation, appropriations, ordinances, and other general functions. Individual commissioners receive assignment responsibilities for a specific aspect of municipal affairs, such as public works, finance, or public safety.
One commissioner is designated to function as chairman or mayor, but this was largely a procedural or ceremonial designation and typically did not involve significant additional powers beyond that exercised by the other commissioners.
As such, this form of government blends legislative and executive branch functions in the same body.