In the days leading up to Assemblyman Todd Spitzer’s return to the Orange County Board of Supervisors, he latched onto a story of a repeat DUI offender’s involvement in a fatal, 2010 car accident. That crash, he said in the Orange County Register, is indicative of an alarming increase in DUI offenses.
Spitzer, who has a background as a prosecutor and had previously served on the board of the Orange County Chapter of Mothers Against Drunk Driving, writes that he will “lead the charge to bring the DUI issue to the forefront year round.” His public record already includes action taken to address DUI fatalities, as he passed the Ambriz act, named for his former chief of staff who was killed by a drunk driver.
One of his plans for raising awareness and increasing enforcement will be a DUI summit at the end of February, that will bring together law enforcement, community groups, and healthcare advocates. The forum is designed to be a brain storming session for local leaders.
In the opinion of Spitzer, “the solutions currently in place… are just not enough.”
Read the full story at the Orange County Register.