City of Huntington Beach logoDuring the special City Council meeting on December 15, the City Council declared a local emergency in response to Republic Services’ inability to coordinate reliable and continuous trash collection services in Huntington Beach due to ongoing labor negotiations.

The Republic Services labor conflict began on December 9 and has caused serious delays in refuse collection, major health and safety concerns, and economic disruptions throughout the community.  As such, the local emergency declaration authorizes the City Manager and Fire Chief to implement temporary measures to mitigate the ongoing impacts of Republic Services’ labor disputes and service disruptions.

“The City Council and I share in the community’s frustration with Republic Services and their handling of this ongoing labor strike,” says Mayor Barbara Delgleize. “With no advanced notice, Republic halted service throughout the City and failed to provide us with any plans to restart regular trash collection services.  I recognize the urgent need to implement an interim plan to restart trash collection independent of Republic and get our City back on track quickly.”

The City is currently in the process of finalizing a trash disruption mitigation response plan, which will be implemented this coming weekend if Republic is unable to resume trash service for Huntington Beach.  The details of the plan, which will work towards re-establishing regular refuse collection routes and schedules as quickly as possible, will be communicated to residents and commercial business owners on Wednesday, December 15.

We want to remind residents and businesses that trash drop-off locations are available at five locations throughout the City if there is an urgent need to dispose of trash in the interim. Those locations are Edison Park and Community Center, Greer Park, Meadowlark Golf Club, Murdy Park and Community Center and the Public Works Yard.

The City is continuing its efforts to obtain accurate and timely updates from Republic; however we have only been able to receive limited information.  Given the circumstances surrounding this matter, we appreciate our community’s understanding throughout this difficult situation. The City will continue to share all relevant information as it is made available on our social media platforms and