For nearly three decades, the City of Paramount has taken huge strides to save energy and help the environment.

This history of eco-friendly actions has been recognized by a variety of organizations:

  • Los Angeles County’s Green Leadership Award
  • The National Arbor Day Foundation’s Tree City USA designation
  • Numerous League of California Cities Beacon Awards
  • The South Coast Air Quality Management District’s Model Community Achievement Award for dealing with air quality issues
  • And Paramount is one of only ten cities in the State, and the only one in the L.A. area, to be invited to join the Institute for Local Government’s BOOST program to create a framework for sustainable community planning

The latest acknowledgment has come from the Gateway Cities Council of Governments with their Energy Action Award, intended to salute cities in the region who are leaders in energy efficiency and sustainability.

Of the 27 Gateway cities, Paramount is one of only three to reach the top Gold level, joining Long Beach and Lynwood.

Among the achievements noted in the award are the completion of a Climate Action Plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and efforts to increase the use of electric vehicles throughout the community. 

“I am very proud that our City has been taking the necessary steps to protect the environment and ensure that Paramount remains safe, healthy, and attractive,” said Mayor Brenda Olmos during the January 4 City Council meeting at which Gateway Cities COG Executive Director Nancy Pfeffer presented the award.


Paramount, California is nationally known for its successful transformation from blighted suburb to a well-run city with an attractive business climate and quality of life. Located at the gateway to the Los Angeles metropolis, the municipality has earned numerous state and federal awards for its innovative strategic planning and investment in capital improvements. Today, Paramount is a business-friendly, growing community of landscaped boulevards, enhanced police service, parks, recreation programs, affordable housing, public art, and tree-lined neighborhoods with white picket fences.  For more information, visit