Best Best & Krieger LLP is a sponsor of the 2023 California Special Districts Association’s Annual Conference taking place August 28-31 in Monterey, CA. During the four-day conference, BBK will have four attorneys presenting on various topics of interest to special districts. Of Counsel, Victoria Danna will present a two-part sexual harassment training series which satisfies California Assembly Bills 1825, 2053, and 1661 biannual requirements. Of Counsel, Matthew Cody will co-present a session on the Surplus Land Act (SLA) and the processes required by public agencies including special districts when selling or leasing public property to assist in California’s housing crisis. Partner Amy Hoyt and Of Counsel Sarah Owsowitz’s presentation will address the California Environmental Quality Act.
BBK Speakers
- “Sexual Harassment Prevention – Part I”
- Wednesday, August 30, 2:15 p.m.
- “Surplus Land Act and Special Districts: Know the Impact”
- Wednesday, August 30, 2:15 p.m.
- “Sexual Harassment Prevention – Part II”
- Wednesday, August 30, 3:45 p.m.
- “Understanding CEQA’s Requirements Regarding Tribal Cultural Resources and AB 52”
- Wednesday, August 30, 3:45 p.m.
About Best Best & Krieger LLP
Best Best & Krieger is a national law firm with nearly 250 attorneys who focus on municipal, environmental, employment, business, education, public finance and telecommunications law, government relations and more for public agency and private clients of every size. BBK was established in Riverside, California more than 130 years ago and continues to grow nationally, with offices across the West Coast, Pacific Northwest and Washington, D.C. For more information, visit or follow us at @bestbestkrieger on LinkedIn and @bbklawfirm on Instagram.