The Culver City City Council listened to four proposals aimed at removing pollutants from the region that could come in the form of future bans. The Ballona Creek Renaissance’s (BCR) presentation highlighted several possible bans, and expansions of current bans, on the “4B”:bags, bottles, balloons, and cigarette butts. BCR noted these items make up close to 40% of the debris that is collected from waterways during Coastal Cleanup events.
The single-use plastic beverage bottles ban would amend the City’s existing Waste Reduction Regulations in the Culver City Municipal Code (CCMC). It would prohibit the sale and use of plastic bottles for beverages, both water and otherwise. Current regulations already ban plastic water bottles in City facilities and at City events.
The ban on balloons would amend the CCMC to prohibit the use and sale of balloons within the City. Both Mylar and latex balloons would be included. Some cities in the area have adopted similar bans.
A ban on outdoor smoking Citywide was also considered, as well as an additional ban on tobacco sales. The fourth proposal would expand the ban on single-use plastic carryout bags, amending the CCMC. The proposal is modeled after bans in Los Angeles and Carlsbad. Recent studies have shown that since the State’s plastic bag “ban” in 2014, that the amount of plastic bag waste has actually increased due to proliferation of unsustainable plastic alternatives, which are not accepted by any California recycling programs.
Enacting any or all of the proposed regulations would require extensive education and outreach prior to enforcement. The City Council did not take a vote on any of the items. Instead, the City Council requested that more engagement take place with businesses and residents, and that the City Council Sustainability Subcommittee further examine the issue.