City of La Cañada Flintridge logoThe City of La Cañada Flintridge is pleased to announce its partnership with m6 Consulting to further enhance the efficiency and speed of its building and safety services. Beginning October 1, the third-party service provider will oversee the City’s plan checks and building inspections. This transition comes as LA County will no longer be providing these services for the City.

“We are confident that our collaboration with m6 will help streamline and expedite the plan check process, providing faster and more efficient services to our community,” said Mayor Michael T. Davitt. “Together, we are building a stronger, more responsive City for all.”

While the transition will enhance service productivity, applicants should anticipate minor delays during the initial integration phase. Please note that the submission process will remain unchanged, and the current permit technician and counter hours will continue as usual – Mon-Thu 7:30 AM to 11 AM and Fri 8 AM to 11 AM.

For more information about the transition, please visit LCF’s Building & Safety Division webpage or call (818) 790-8881.