Renne Public Law Group RPLG logoRenne Public Law Group (RPLG) congratulates Luke Jensen on his recent promotion to Director of Labor Relations, a role that will amplify the firm’s capacity to support public agencies with all aspects of labor relations and negotiations.

Luke joined the team in 2020 as a legal assistant to Founding Partner Jon Holtzman and soon was promoted to senior analyst.  Luke holds a certificate from the Association of Workplace Investigators, an organization that provides specialized training for workplace investigations.

In his new role, Luke will lead the firm’s labor relations practice, representing cities, counties and special districts in labor contract negotiations. Luke has experience with all aspects of collective bargaining, handling grievances and unfair labor practices, and navigating clients through impasse procedures (mediation, factfinding and interest arbitration). He is also well-versed in municipal finance, comparability studies, fiscal analysis for bargaining, pensions and retiree medical programs.

“I’m excited to expand RPLG’s labor relations practice and provide a comprehensive, integrated approach to supporting public agencies with all aspects of labor relations,” said Luke. “Our work is fundamentally about helping public entities achieve and enforce successful, responsible and affordable labor agreements so that they can maintain reasonable labor relations programs and effectively deliver public services with limited resources. ”

Luke presented at the California Public Employers Labor Relations Association’s (CALPELRA) 2024 Annual Conference, sharing insights on police bargaining trends and transparency in collective bargaining.

“Luke’s journey from legal assistant to director showcases our firm’s commitment to developing exceptional talent for serving public agencies,” said Jon. “Luke is a true savant of public agency bargaining both because of his empathy and exceptional intelligence.”

Luke emphasizes the importance of strategic, fact-based negotiations that serve both public agencies and their employees. His approach includes developing a deep understanding of clients’ financial and operational situations and presenting factual information to unions and elected officials in a way that helps to maintain alignment, set reasonable expectations, minimize controversy and prevent mistakes. He also collaborates with the firm’s workplace investigations team and regularly works with Founding Partner Jon Holtzman on Project Labor Agreements (PLAs).

RPLG practices throughout California, advising and advocating for public agencies, nonprofit entities, individuals and private entities in need of effective, responsive and creative legal solutions.