In the presentation, Chief Williams acknowledged the OIR Group report recommendations and detailed implementation steps to address the findings. The OIR Group began its evaluation of VPD in August 2019 and its report lists 45 recommendations for improving the department and ensuring alignment with best practices.
“We went in eyes wide open with the OIR Group to get their independent perspective, and their report provides the kind of hard truths that will make us better,” Chief Williams said. “I want to thank the City Council for their transparency and collaboration by supporting the assessment of our department and authorizing the release of the OIR Group report.”
The proposed plan for addressing the OIR Group report findings includes three categories, or priority levels, of recommendations. The first category, “Protect the Community,” is focused on recommendations that produce an immediate impact and reduce potential harm to the public and VPD officers. The second category, “Build Trust and Communication,” adds substantial VPD capacity toward strengthening public safety best practices, such as community policing. The third category, “21st Century Policing,” furthers the building of trust and relations in the community.
Over the next 60 days, the Vallejo Police Department and the City of Vallejo will seek input from members of the Vallejo community regarding the proposed improvement plan. Members of the public can share their feedback by emailing VallejoPolicePIO@ cityofvallejo.net.
“I look forward to engagement among the City, the Vallejo Police Department, and all our community members on the important issues of policing and public safety,” said Mayor Bob Sampayan. “The City and the police department recognize that community buy-in on the improvement plan is going to be vital in order to make the changes we all want to see.”
“I, like many members of the Vallejo community, have been looking forward to seeing these recommendations since the City commissioned the OIR Group last summer to assess the Vallejo Police Department,” said City Manager Greg Nyhoff. “With these recommendations and a proposed path forward toward reform, now is the time for our Vallejo community to unite and make these improvements a reality.”
To view the full OIR Group assessment report, view the agenda for the June 16 Special Meeting posted on the City Agenda and Videos webpage.
For additional information, please contact Vallejo Police Department’s Public Information Officer, Brittany K. Jackson by phone at (707) 651-7147 or by email at VallejoPolicePIO@ cityofvallejo.net.