As I read numerous reader e-mails, scan through the daily news and wade through the barrage of Twitter Tweets (is that the correct term?), a number of thoughts and questions run through my head.

From a Fantasy Local Government Draft, Government Tweeting to terrible city and county Web sites, my mind is churning this week.

Here’s a quick rundown of questions I’m hoping our readership can answer. I’d like to post the answers later this week.

Should Public Administrators Have the Freedom to Twitter?

Many organizations aren’t allowing its members to use Twitter. The fear is that this liberal disclosure of information reveals too much without censorship.

In an age when so many messages are shaped and filtered by public relations experts, does it make sense to let a member of an organization just spout off about anything and everything?

Maybe not.

So, do you feel that Local Governments are going to or should put a lid on city employees? It’s one thing if an elected official goes off on a tangent, but what about a City Manager? What about a Police Chief or a County Administrator?

Local Government Fantasy Draft

It’s that time of year. The Fantasy Football talk has begun, and draft dates are being set. While it may be clear that big name running backs will be the top pick in draft come late August, it gave me an idea: Fantasy Local Government.

Okay, maybe it’s not that exciting.

But what positions would be most valued? Would the mayors go first in the draft, or are city managers the ones who really score the points. Do city clerks go later in the draft like kickers? Are police chiefs like defenses?

What positions go first in your local government fantasy drafts? If it’s a city manager, who is your top pick? Any sleepers out there?

Some Cities and Counties Missing out on Local Government 2.0

It’s somewhat astonishing. In an age in which the Internet rules, so many local government agencies are missing the virtual boat.

A Web site is a relatively inexpensive way to easily communicate with constituents. Yet, some cities and counties fail to grasp the concept.

It needs to be a priority in each city’s budget. It’s the greatest communication tool out there and if cities and counties wish to be transparent and open, it should begin here.

San Francisco features a comprehensive, easy-to-use Web site for the city and county.  It sparkles, the way a big-spending organization’s Web site should.

Santa Clarita has an amazing communications department. Mayor Frank Ferry has made a name for himself through social networking and the city’s Web site is advanced.

Los Angeles should have an enhanced web presence. The city spends massive amounts of money on a number of communications outlets, yet its Web site leaves much to be desired. It simply exists. 

How important is a quality Web site to you? Does it reflect on the city’s ability to communicate to its public and outside eyes? What cities have the best Web sites, which have the worst? Should that be a priority?

Let’s begin the conversation. I look forward to hearing back from our audience on these topics. Pick one question, or many questions, and e-mail me your answers at