Men’s Health released its ranking of the fattest cities and the leanest cities in the nation. California ranked on the healthier side, with just one city landing in the Top 20 fattest cities and one California city ranking in at No. 1 for the leanest cities.
According to the article, the rankings “Calculated the percentage of people who are overweight, the percentage with type 2 diabetes, the percentage who haven’t left the couch in a month (CDC Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System); the money spent on junk food (Bureau of Labor Statistics); and finally, the number of people who ate fast food nine or more times in a month (Mediamark Research).”
The Fattest Cities: Cities 11-90, With Rankings and Grades
11. Durham, N.C. D-; 12. Jacksonville, Fla. D-; 13. Lubbock, Texas D-; 14. Buffalo, N.Y. D; 15. Philadelphia, Pa. D; 16. Riverside, Calif. D; 17. Oklahoma City, Okla. D; 18. New Orleans, La. D; 19. Jersey City, N.J. D; 20. Las Vegas, Nev. D
The Leanest Cities For the complete lists for both, click here.
Ranking City State Grade
1. Corpus Christi Texas F
2. Charleston W.Va. F
3. El Paso Texas F
4. Dallas Texas F
5. Memphis Tenn. F
6. Kansas City Mo. F
7. San Antonio Texas F
8. Baltimore Md. F
9. Houston Texas D-
10. Birmingham Ala. D-
Ranking City State Grade
1. San Francisco Calif. A+
2. Burlington Vermont A+
3. Washington, D.C. A
4. Seattle Wash. A
5. Austin Texas A
6. Albuquerque N.M. A-
7. Portland Ore. A-
8. Cincinnati Ohio A-
9. Denver Colo. A-
10. Aurora Colo. B+