As a result of the additional funding, down payment assistance loan amounts are being increased to promote home buying opportunities to Santa Ana residents. The enhanced program offers 0% interest rate, deferred payment loans of up to $120,000 for low-income households and up to $80,000 for moderate-income households. My First Home is funded through the City of Santa Ana’s Inclusionary Housing Fund. The City is committed to the livelihood of its residents and provides many opportunities for affordable housing.
“Buying a home isn’t easy these days, so we’re thrilled to provide additional assistance to Santa Ana residents so they can sink roots here in our community,” Mayor Vicente Sarmiento said. “The My First Home program offers a wonderful opportunity for individuals and families to purchase a home of their own, and the increased funding will enable even more families to achieve this goal.”
Eligibility requirements are as follows:
- Borrower(s) must be a resident of Santa Ana and/or work in Santa Ana at least 32 hours per week for at least the last 6 months
- Must be pre-qualified for a first mortgage
- Must be a first-time homebuyer (or have not owned a home in the last 3 years)
- Must make a down payment of at least 3% from own funds
- Must complete the Homebuyer Counseling Program through NeighborWorks of Orange County
- Home must be located in Santa Ana
Additionally, total annual income of the household cannot exceed the income limits provided at the link below.