Costa Mesa Sanitary District (CMSD) invites customers to view a newly released four-part video series explaining the coming changes to the District’s curbside collection system. The change in collection approach supports the District’s compliance with California’s Senate Bill 1383 (SB 1383), which aims to reduce the emission of short-lived climate pollutants.
In the videos, viewers learn more about the transition from a two-cart to three-cart system, what to expect, changes in sorting approach and how this helps the community.
The first video briefly explains SB 1383 and the impacts upon CMSD’s collection approach. In addition to meeting SB 1383 requirements, the new three-cart system reduces contamination levels and allows more materials to be recycled. By separating organics and recyclables from regular trash, customers can help repurpose those materials and create a healthier environment.
The second video details what customers can expect in the upcoming transition. While the Organics Cart will remain the same, customers will receive a new Recycling Cart with a blue lid and the current Mixed Waste Cart will be relabeled as a trash cart.
In the third video, customers learn how to sort materials into the three carts. The black Trash Cart is used for landfill materials, while the blue Recycling Cart is used for items like clean paper, glass, aluminum and plastic. The green Organics Cart is used for food scraps and yard waste.
The fourth video wraps up the series with a focus on the benefits of sorting waste and how customers can partner with CMSD in this process.
By understanding and participating in the new collection system, customers can create a brighter future for the Costa Mesa community and advance the statewide effort to reduce emissions of short-lived climate pollutants.
View the videos on CMSD’s YouTube channel.
For more information, please visit or contact (949) 645-8400.