My name is Ethan de la Peña, and I am the managing editor of PublicCEO. It is an honor to help our readers stay updated with fresh perspectives, timely updates and engaging stories through our daily newsletter.
I’d like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to Jacob Lyle for his outstanding contributions as the previous managing editor of this newsletter, and we wish him all the best in his future endeavors.
Since I transitioned into this role a few months ago, our team has worked hard to continue the mission of PublicCEO and remain faithful in our efforts to provide relevant and timely news to local government staff and local elected officials and other leaders. My many thanks go out to my teammates Amy Gallagher, Dominick Beaudine, Ted Hwang and Josh Hernandez; who work hard to create a quality publication nearly every weekday. It is a lot of work but our audience expects a timely daily email.
Our newsletter now reaches more than 18,000 subscribers, providing state, county, city and special districts with curated news to create a well-informed readership. The PublicCEO Report, our podcast, has hosted thoughtful voices in the local government sector with both new and familiar names providing solid insights. Our job board averages 32 postings per month to 17,000+ subscribers, casting a wide net to the audience for those searching to fill their local government position with the most qualified candidates in the market.
Indeed, the job board is probably the number one way you and your agency can support the work of the PublicCEO team. Please post your open positions on PublicCEO. Doing will both help you recruit more talent to your agency and support our work. Everyone wins. Posting open positions is simple, just visit our Post A Job page.
A special thanks is owed to our long-time advertising supporter, Best Best & Krieger who has been the largest single supporter of PublicCEO over the years. The law firm is a pillar of the local government world, and their support of PCEO affirms their leadership role. With the support of many other organizations including: CHW Law, the California Joint Powers Authority, California Public Policy Group, Renne Public Law Group, CalChoice Energy Authority, Climatec and many other content contributors, we have the resources we need to continue producing a high quality product for our readers for FREE. If your organization is interested in advertising opportunities, please visit our Advertising page.
This year has garnered record readership and our metrics across the board are up, all thanks to the faithful readers, subscribers and advertisers who believe in and support us in our mission. We thank you for your continued support and wish you a happy holiday season.
– Ethan