In November 2024, the City of Cupertino outlined its approach for the Council Goal Setting and FY 2025-27 City Work Program (CWP) Prioritization Workshop. The process is scheduled to begin in January 2025, and the adopted CWP will serve as a roadmap for major city initiatives. 

The City of Cupertino follows a two-year CWP, which informs the annual budget and ensures transparency between the City and the community. To evaluate current priorities for the CWP, Cupertino hosts a biannual City Council Goal Setting Workshop, giving the Council an opportunity to collaborate, reaffirm or set new priorities and define the strategic direction for the next fiscal period.

The Cupertino Interim Assistant Manager Tina Kapoor authored the November 2024 staff report.

“The Council Goal Setting and CWP Prioritization Workshop is designed to proactively engage both staff and Council in a way that aligns staff resources with Council’s top priorities,” said Tina Kapoor. “The outlined process with the subsequent City Work Program list is an important tool for the City to sharpen our focus on meeting Council’s policy goals, advance top priorities, and promote accountability.”

To view the City of Cupertino staff reports, as well as more information and examples of Strategic Plans, check out this LINK article.

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