Each week, Louis Dettorre will provide the PublicCEO Staff Report of the Week. Nominate yourself or a colleague by e-mailing ldettorre@publicCEO.com. To see a complete archive of staff reports, click here.
Responsible decisions made by local government officials often go unnoticed or forgotten when headline controversy arises like the recent story of Bell.
Responsible decisions made by local government officials often go unnoticed or forgotten when headline controversy arises like the recent story of Bell.
The City of San Jose passed an ordinance back in April to cut the Mayor and Councilmember’s salaries ten percent for the 2010-2011 fiscal year. (See staff report here)
Mayor Chuck Reed’s salary was reduced from $122,238 to $116,431.69 while each City Councilmember’s annual salaries were reduced from $86,625 to $82,510.31.
The first five percent of the salary reduction was achieved by a straight cut in pay and changes in healthcare cost sharing, plan design and dual coverage while the second five percent of the reduction was the result of one-time reductions from salary, auto allowances, or other benefits.
Controversy in the city of Bell has drawn much attention to government salaries, but it’s certainly not the norm. It’s nice to know that some cities acted proactively, rather than after the fact.
Each week, Louis Dettorre will provide the PublicCEO Staff Report of the Week. Nominate yourself or a colleague by e-mailing ldettorre@publicCEO.com. To see a complete archive of staff reports, click here.